You can now provide Vietnamese-speaking clients and prospects translations of more than a dozen Texas REALTORS® and Texas Real Estate Commission forms. Though these translated documents cannot be used as official forms in a transaction, they can help Vietnamese-speaking buyers, sellers, landlords, and tenants understand what they will sign on the English documents.
Vietnamese is the third most widely used language in Texas, behind English and Spanish.
Note: While translations of most forms below are available now, the One to Four Family Residential Contract (Resale) translation may be delayed based on potential changes to that form by TREC.
- Residential Real Estate Listing Agreement, Exclusive Right to Sell
- Residential Real Estate Listing Agreement, Exclusive Right to Lease
- Seller’s Disclosure Notice
- Intermediary Relationship Notice
- One to Four Family Residential Contract (Resale)
- Notice of Buyer’s Termination of Contract
- Release of Earnest Money
- Addendum for Seller’s Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint and Lead-Based Paint Hazards as Required by Federal Law
- Authorization to Obtain Consumer Report
- Residential Lease
- Residential Lease Application
- Notice Terminating Right of Occupancy
- Information About Brokerage Services
- Consumer Protection Notice
- Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home Pamphlet (EPA Form)
You can download the translations of the forms from Spanish translations of many forms are also available. Only members of Texas REALTORS® may use these translations of forms.